Gallery Member
- Featured on the Society’s website Gallery with an image representative of the member’s work
- Automatic link to Member’s own website
- Included in and can access the Society’s Member’s Directory
- Can read and post to the Forums and Events on the Society’s website
- Receive all the Society communications and invitations.
You will need to provide a suitable image and your website details.
Subscription: £50 per annum
General Member
- Included in and can access the Society’s Member’s Directory
- Can read and post to the Forums and Events on the Society’s website
- Receive all the Society communications and invitations.
Subscription: £20 per annum
Free Member
- Receive all the Society communications and invitations
- Included in the Society’s Member’s Directory, but no access to the Member’s Directory
- Can access the Society’s on-line Gallery, and Events posted on the website.
- No access to the Forums.
Subscription: Free
To change your member type, please click “Abandon” and choose the (new) preferred member type.